Unitl Christ Returns
By Susan

He Who gives this warning and affirms and testifies to these things
says, Yes (it is true). {Surely} I am coming quickly (swiftly, speedily).
Amen (so let it be)! Yes, come Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20 (Ampl. Bible.


An Unusual Christmas Message

My Christmas greetings  is a little bit different than most that I received and yet it is the 
same message, although the stationery is not Christmaslike.  I would ask you to bear with me, for I will tell you later what this message has to do with this years Christmas wishes.
To tell you the truth, I am in awe this Christmas and I feel compelled to speak about this most urgent and important Scripture above.  For decades Christians, and by that I mean born again children of God had a great expectation for the second coming of our Lord 
Jesus Christ, and yet He hadn't come yet. I remember so well how often as a young girl I looked up into the clouds expecting Him any minute.  Still I knew that as there was six 
days that God created the earth and on the seventh day He rested,  I knew that from 
Adam to Noah two thousand years went by.  From Noah to when Jesus was born two thousand years went by so I realized that there must be another two thousand years 
before Jesus will come to fetch His Bride, the Church, so I was taught.  Three times two makes six, and then in the seventh millennium  ( the resting day) Jesus will come

I remember the excitement when the year 2000 finally came.  I knew  the "six days" has passed and now we may get really exited about His coming though no one will know the day or the hour we read in 1Thessalonians 5:4 "But you are not in {given up to the power of} darkness, brethren, for that day to overtake you by surprise like a thief. Verse 5, For you are all sons of light and sons of the day:"...... Please read the whole Chapter.  Oh it is so wonderful!!!!.  Yes! Yes! Now we can know that it will be any minute that Jesus Christ will return again, this time as King of kings to fetch His own. ------I so often pray what is written in Luke 21:36 "Keep awake then and watch at all times {be discreet, attentive, and ready}, praying that you have full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things {taken together} that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.".  Oh how I pray that I will be accounted worthy to escape the seven years of tribulation that will start immediately after the Bride is not here anymore and the Antichrist will be revealed.

Are you still with me?.  I hope so for the best is yet to come.   I will never forget.  About seventeen years ago when we moved to Vanderbijlpark we were new here and had to learned to know the town.   We were sitting in the Lounge watching TV.  It was dark outside and the curtains was open.  It was cloudy and suddenly it was as light as day outside.  I remember I got cold instantly for I was convinced that this was the second coming of the Lord.  We as a family jumped up and was frightened to death (although we were all born again "Christians").

What happened was from time to time they do something at the steelfactories that causes a great flame in so much that with the cloudiness it caused the whole town to turn to daylight just for a few seconds.  We didn't know that!!!  and I knew.  "Susan you are not ready to meet your Maker."!!!!!!!! sitting in front of the TV, watching the shows of this world looking at sinful things like violence etc.  ------Well we were all trembling. We switched  the TV off and knelt down on the carpet and cried to the Lord.  Now so many years later we don't have a TV anymore. We say like one old man said when he bought a TV and the shop delivered it to his home.  The man who carried it said to the old man.  "Well sir now we bring the world into your house".  He realized what was said and told him to take it back as he was a child of God.  Tell me beloveds.  Does the world as it is portrait on TV fit in a person's house who wishes to be accounted worthy to escape the things to come.----I know many "Christians" doesn't like what I say, but if we only knew what holiness is in the eyes of God, wouldn't we think twice about these statements?.  Dearly beloveds the Lord's Word says in Romans 13:12 "The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put on the {full} armor of light." Also 1Peter 1:16 says "For it is written. You shall be holy, for I am holy."  Oh please read the rest of that chapter, it is so important.  

"But Susan what has this to do with this Christmas wishes?. you may ask.  I will tell you.  This year I got many many Christmas greetings from all over the world, as by now I know so many people all over the world.  And believe me as I tell you.  99.999% of them was different from other years.  Oh yes the nice and beautiful Christmas graphics was there, and all wished a merry Christmas, but then immediately each one talked about the second coming of the Lord and warned and admonished and pleaded that we must be ready to meetJesus in the clouds.---- Isn't this wonderful?!!!!!.  From the four corners of the world the Holy Spirit was giving the children of light which is the children of God the same message, namely:  "My coming is very very near"  Oh I tell you I am amazed but so exited.  I told my granddaughter as I showed her the clouds,  Jesus will come and fetch us any day now.  Little Larissa said in a pleading tone  "Grandma, when is He coming?  He must come now!!!!!.  Oh! I wanted to cry.  May the Lord help you and me that like this little sinless child we will also plead.  "Come Lord Jesus come!!, we have been waiting for You so long." -------And you know what we may expect Him to come any minute.  He is working through His Spirit in His Bride's hearts to get ready.  For as we read that we are sons of the light, so that that day will not be a surprise to us.
My Christmas wish for you is that each one on my list will be ready for His second coming is at hand, and that we may meet each other at Jesus' feet  forever to be with Him.
Copyright (c) 2002.Susan Treptow





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