Until Christ Returns




“(Let) Thy Kingdom come”…. (Part 3 )
Christ the King!
Matthew 6.

 When we were in first grade the teachers taught us that 1+1=2 and they placed a “right” mark behind it – telling us: It is correct. This “right” mark is nothing but figure “7” lying on its back. When the Father God introduces Jesus the Christ to the nations during the Second Coming, He sends Him with seven crowns upon His head, thereby declaring: This is the Right King of kings!! 

Some men are born to a great name as a czar or a king or make their name great by achievements. Jesus is great because He inherited a great Name; His Name is great because of His achievements; He is great because a great Name was conferred upon Him. The inference is that there was a Name known in heaven, unknown elsewhere, and this Name was kept to be conferred upon Some-one who should merit it: and Jesus, as we know Him, at the bosom of the Father was found worthy as the Bearer of this Name! Now at this Name every knee shall bow in the three worlds--- Heaven, Earth and Hell—and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord of the three worlds to the glory of God, the Father. The instruction is: Treat Him like a King and bow before Him!

His achievements alone could keep us busy for years but it could suffice to remind you again that everything was done and paid for by Him to secure life in abundance for those who will call upon His Name. Furthermore He has given us the right to use His Name!! Brother , what a study this is!!! Maybe one day soon we could start on that. The authority He has won is delegated to us in the use of His Name. Now, being the Name of the King of all kings ---- Demons tremble and problems are solved or simply bow and take their leave!!! Enjoy His power and the application thereof!

We thank Pastor Len Nel for this stunning study.

From Susan.

~ Susan Treptow ~
©used with permission, 
Copyright (c) 2002.Susan Treptow