Until Christ Returns
By:  Susan 

I have no "great" message today.  As a matter of fact I just want to talk to you for a while.  I need someone to talk to, and  I am sure you will identify with so many things I will say.

I am downhearted today for I hurt the Lord's heart so much.  He knows all.

At the moment it feels to us as if the wind is blowing fiercely against us and I do not see any light in our circumstances in this moment.  Do you perhaps feels the same today?.  One thing is sure and a concrete fact and that is that God will never let us down.  So he will not let you down either if you are born again and a child of GDR.  Somehow, He will do something about our circumstances and we will be amazed at how He intervenes.  Same to you my dear brother and sister.  If  you live a holy life with yourself on the "altar" on which you offer yourself to Him, He will work out anything "impossible" for your good and rescue you from your difficulties.  No matter what it is.  He is in control. Although it so often doesn't seem that way.  At this very moment we need His intervention so much.  So do many of you.  Whether it is illness, or financial needs, or family crisis's,  He will always give us strength to stand up to difficulties.

Last night, I cried so much, and you know what.  It is all my fault, because I do not trust Him with my whole heart.  God who created Heaven and earth owes me nothing.  He did all He could by giving His dear Son Jesus Christ for the ransom of my soul. I must learn to fully trust Him no matter what.
This morning I had some tea with my daughter and little Larissa, our sweet grand daughter was sitting with us, she became three years old recently.  Suddenly she began to sing a song, but did not start at the beginning.  It is an  Afrikaans song, and the second phrase said something in the line of "Wonderful and true is He" and she ended the song with another line. I was stunned and stared at her in astonishment. I knew through that sweet loving eyes as she looked at me directly while she sang, was the look of my Saviour Jesus Christ. --- Just last night I thought He forgot about us and our much needed intervention, and here she was used by the Lord to sing to me that God will be true and trustworthy to handle it, and I must only trust Him.  ----------- I started to cry, for I didn't deserve that the Lord would even speak to me, but it was clear as crystal, that He did it in spite of me.    Amelia her mom was used by the Lord many times when she was small by just started to sing the right song that ministered to me.  I usually stopped whatever I was busy with and just knelt at His precious feet.

I know that I must accept that God's timing is not ours, but He is never to late to intervene. -------Perhaps in this day you feel desponded and you feel that God has forgotten you.  ---------"Well, Susan, He hasn't forgotten about you and He surely won't forget each one of His flock, or did you forget that even your hair is counted.  How much more would He care about my needs." 

I know that my needs in His eyes is not always my needs in my eyes.  He always answered Peet and my prayers, but not always as we thought He would or should have, but now later in life, as we look back on our life, we are so amazed at how He knew best. "So Susan, you just let go and God have His wonderful way.  While He talked to you this morning, so rejoice in the Lord for He is good."
How I wish I could send this to each of you separately, but it is meant for you personally. I am going to send it only to people that the Lord leads me to.  Let's pray:

'Dear Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ I come to kneel at Your Mercy seat.  Precious Jesus, wash me in Your Blood before I kneel down, for I dare not approach such a Holy God without Your Blood having cleansed me.

Lord, have mercy on me and on everyone that receives this letter.  Help us to know that you will never be too late in answering and supplying in our needs. Help me to remember that You are the Potter and I must be like clay in Your skilful Hands. You anyhow know best always wonderful Father and help me and all of us to keep our eyes focused on You the beginner and finisher of our faith.  Amen."

I love you with all my heart,

The Lord intervened.  Hallelujah!! !! Praise His faithful Name on high.
"Thank you,  thank you dear Father, that so many couldn't read this at first.  You gave me chance to alter it a little bit and also to bring good news.  Please help me to trust you always."

Music "Have Thine Own Way Lord"