Until Christ Returns

By: Susan

Run The Race

"THEREFORE THEN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud 
of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off 
and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly) and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and 
let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,"
(HEBREWS12:1....(Ampl. Bible)

What a Scripture!!!.  It is a fact that we are now on that stage in the
race set before us, where we are nearing the end, Some are still strong
in the Lord Jesus Christ's but some  grew callous and lukewarm. 
Some are very exhausted through trials and tribulations and are 
growing tired for satan tries his best in these days to destroy God's chosen people and even his own children, for he hates man that God
the Father created and he knows that his time is running out, for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is so near and at hand.  Praise His wonderful Name.

I feel urged in my spirit to tell you about a vision that I saw once, to encourage you in this day.  Yes, dear children of God living in 
America, know that God has got the last say in everything and take heart. (I know what I wrote just now just came spontaneously, so take
it as from the Lord that lives in me).

One day when we were worshiping in Church the Lord showed me the most incredible vision. ---- Suddenly I saw a very huge Arena.  The Pavilion was filled with all those that are already in Heaven. Yes those 
in Christ that has gone before us. On the racing track God's children were running.  Yes all His children was participating.  This was a big, 
big Arena as I said, and the distance they had to run would cost them everything that is within them.  Oh, but on the Pavilion, the saints was cheering them, shouting that they mustn't become cold or luke warm children of God, urging them that they must serve Him with all their might.  That they must leave their sins, for God is Holy. You see those on the Pavilion had their chance and many could say "Oh if I only have given more of my love and life to the Lord".  Oh I have won so few for the Lord", but you that is running still have time. GO!! GO!!! DON'T SLACK DOWN!!!!!!! Everything will pass away, only what was done for Christ will remain and with that you are going to stand before Jesus Christ the King of kings.!!!!!!!  COME ON!! KEEP THE FAITH!!!!. 

Oh how they shouted and encouraged those that was still alive and 
living for Christ.  I saw many got exhausted and ran off the racing track to sit down and run no more.  ----Suddenly I saw two huge angels. They were holding the finishing rope.  Only I could see that. No one 
else could, not even those on the Pavilion.  I got so exited while seeing this in the vision, but Oh dear those that was running, most so 
exhausted, but others so full of strength, could not see the finishing line.
 I felt my heartbeat as I saw so many about a hundred meters from the finishing line, running off the racing track. As they were running others also quit running.  Oh and now they neared the finishing line and still some quit running. I felt to scream together with those on the Pavilion myself.

"CAN''T YOU SEE, YOU ARE NEARING THE END!!! RUN!!!, RUN!!, RUN!!!. PLEASE DON'T QUITE NOW!!.  But still even a few steps from the finishing line some quit. One stopped running one step before the finishing line.  My heart was broken as I saw this. I 
cried before the Lord that morning, for I could see the end of the long race that we have to run with all our might. Not even those on the Pavilion could see it.  They were cheering with everything within them and there eyes were fixed on those still running, cheering all the time. 
The vision ended and I couldn't do anything else but to be obedient 
and to tell it to the whole congregation.  Until this day people still remember that vision.  I also, will never forget it.

Dearest fellow child of God.  Time is running out.  Now is the time to seek the Lord like never before. To live a Holy life like never before
and to do as the above Scripture says...."to throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily
(deftly and cleverly clings to and entangles us,..."

May the Lord bless this writing and encourage to "hang in there" as a dear sister always says.  That dear sister is tested to the limits as I write this, but still she is encouraging others, and surely she will receive her reward in that day.

Written by Susan.
Copyright (c) 2002. Susan Treptow