



Have you ever got mad at God?.
Today's Scripture is the whole of Mark 6.
Surely, you can say  "Susan, what a subject?."  But I know that this is a matter that has to be discussed. A vital matter.  Very few of us will admit that we ever got mad at God, and there are those that really never got mad at Him .  My wonderful father was one of them.  He feared God so much.--------But lets look at this wonderful book of Mark chapter 6. It will be wonderful if you could read it first.
We see from verse 7 that Jesus sensed His disciples out 
two by two and gave them authority and power over the unclean spirits. He told them to take nothing for their journey except a walking stick - no bread, no wallet for a collection bag, no money in their belts.  Only sandals on 
their feet and not to put on two tunics (undergarments).  Read further how they had to act, whenever they were welcome in a city and when they were not welcome.  The Amplified Bible is so precious in describing it OK.  So there  they went.  They were mistreated for sure, but welcomed too and did wonderful things in the Name of their Master Jesus Christ. They really toiled hard and put all their power and strength into pleasing their Master Jesus Christ.
Very, very tired they came back and Jesus saw it fit that they must have a resting time, so in verse 31 He told them to go to a deserted place and He went with them. -----  
But Oooooh deary me.-----the people saw this and ran 
there on foot from all the surrounding towns, and they got there ahead  of those in the boat. (Verse 33).  ----It is not written in the Word, but if I was a disciple, I would have been angry and tired and I would have expected Jesus to chase them away for I "deserve" my rest and the "picnic" Jesus promised.
But what did the Master do? In verse 34 "He was moved 
with compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd;" and surely the 12 Apostles was angry as you will see further on.  I mean  "How could Jesus do this??.  We are tired.--- But Jesus was Jesus.  He surely 
was tired too, for I am sure He was also busy working for 
His Father while the disciples did the same.---Now what did this wonderful Jesus do. He spent the whole day preaching and teaching until it was too late for the multitude to go home.  With five loaves and two fished he fed the multitude.  Oh no pardon me, the disciples had to walk and walk from group to group and give out the food,  and that while they were tired.!!!!!!!!  Oh I can imagine them grumble in their minds.  "He doesn't care about us.--He is unfair. --He promised us a rest and now we must toil. -- my feet 
is sore. -- We are not important to Him.  -- etc. etc."
But He did care, and had compassion on them too for in verse 45 "He insisted that the disciples must get into the boat and go ahead of Him....."  Jesus had the task to send the throng away and what did He do next?.  Did He went for a rest?.  No, Oh no! "He went off into the hills to pray."  He must have prayed at least until three in the night, and remember he was just as human as you and I are.  Tired by then!!!!!.
Meanwhile the disciples were struggling in a storm on the 
sea of Galilee. Verse 48. Now that was just the cherry on the cake for them, and here came Jesus after seeing that they were in the storm for He walked on the water to reach them.  And what did He do?.  "He came to them, walking on the sea, and acted as if He meant to pass by them." -------This verse always intrigued me.  I couldn't understand why He did that.  They off course thought He was a ghost, and was scared to death, but He said.   Precious Jesus said.  "Take heart!  I AM!"  Verse 50..  He climbed in the boat and as usual the wind ceased "sank to rest as if exhausted by its own beating". In verse 51 and 52 we see that they were astonished but they missed out on what the Lord wanted to teach them.  :52 says  "For they failed to consider or understand  the teaching and meaning of  the miracle of the loaves: [in fact] their hearts had grown callous  [had become dull and had lost the power of understanding]".
What did Jesus want to teach them?.  He wanted them to understand that there is always a reason why He allows things in our lives.  In this case, Jesus  who was Love like His Father  others was more important to Him than anything else.  He wanted to teach them to see through His eyes. -
But what about us?.  You and me.  We experience things and just cannot see the reason why God could imagine to allow it to happen to us.  Yes we get angry at Him for we don't understand, but He always has a reason and His beautiful loving eyes is watching us to see if we accept it, and if we don't, to see whether we are going to be angry at Him. He wishes so much that we will remember His Word 
that says  "all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God....."
Rom 8:28........
Surely here and now in our terrible circumstances whatever it may be, we cannot see that any good that can come out of it, but God's Word says He has a plan with our lives
Jesus, precious Jesus loves us and so often we see Him to be a Ghost as they did.  Our Saviour is no Ghost or 
someone that wants to harm us and punish us as the devil always accused Him of in our hearts.  Dear reader.  Surely,  if you love Jesus Christ and are His child your storm will also cease and you will also be "astonished exceedingly [beyond measure]" :51  --- Sometimes we write "exams" in the Lord to grow.  But while writing an exam, we are not allowed to ask any questions. That is the rules.  ---Sometimes it feels as if God doesn't speak to us.  He isn't even encouraging us. He seems to be just so silent!.  Then we get cross at Him and grumble and take offence of what He is allowing in our lives.  But there will come a day that we will stand before Him, and He will give us the marks of the "exams" that we wrote and  Wow!! if we didn't get mad at him at those 
times in our lives we will stand amazed to see that we passed with merits.
Meanwhile dear fellow pilgrim to Heaven, and I speak to myself too, lets take heart as He said to His disciples, and know that He is God and He knows all the answers to all our "why Lord's".  Lets not get mad at Him while we don't understand His "intentions".  He means well with us and He wants us to be victorious.
"He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My
Throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside
My Father on His Throne". Rev. 3:21
"Be still and know that I am God"
Ps. 46:10
I love you so much
(c) Copywrited





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