Until Christ Return
By: Susan

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and .......
His Name shall be called Mighty God,
Isaiah 9:6

He Shall Be Called - Mighty God

What a mighty God we serve!!!.  Oh  He is Wonderful,
Counselor and today also is He called Mighty God!!!.

When I think back and I think of all the years that I had
the privilege to serve this wonder Mighty King, I can
think of many wonders and miracles He did to me.

The Word of God says that the Heavens of the heavens
cannot contain Him.----Just think of that statement, and
yet He stoops so low to think of me and you and show
Himself as the Mighty God unto us.

Never shall I forget the first time I laid my hands on a
totally deaf ear and rebuked the deafness, and that deaf
ear popped open.  The face of that young woman I will
never forget.   Several operations was unsuccessful but
Jesus the Mighty God, spoke a word and did a miracle.

I recall as I stood before an elderly man. He asked me to
pray for one ear that can hear about thirty percent "but
don't worry about the other ear, shrapnel destroyed its
hearing" he said.  Oh I was exited for I knew by then what
God can do, and I focused on the "Shrapnel ear", and great
was his joy when both ears were restored.

Oh I remember the small little girl with the thick glasses.
She couldn't see her mother who stood only a few steps
from her without the glasses. I prayed for that eyes and all
glory to Jesus, she could see perfectly.  She ran across the
Church to her sister who sat very far from where she was.
She didn't even fall over all our sound equipment, for she
could see perfectly.

Praise the Lord on high.  All the glory belongs to him, for
I cannot heal anybody, but He, the Mighty God can.

 Another man was so glad when he heard that we were going
to pray for the sick as he was blind in one eye, and couldn't
drive his car as he wasn't permitted.  Through this wonderful
Jesus, our Mighty God, his eyesight was restored that night,
and his joy was overflowing.

I can go on and on, for the half has never yet been told.  Just o
ne more testimony.

A man couldn't bend his leg as he was injured and operations
disabled him.  After prayer, he could bend his leg and he was
made whole.

Praise this wonderful Jesus.  No longer a Child, but now the
King of kings and Lord of lords.
Jeremiah 32:17 says......"There is nothing too hard or too
wonderful for You ".  Oh praise His mighty Name. -


 Pastor Kruger, drove with his car and in the middle of nowhere
the car stopped as the petrol was empty.  He laid his hands on
the car and prayed  Then he told someone that was with him to
go and fetch some water in a dam that was "co-incidentally"
nearby.  The brother who was him refused, but pastor Kruger
only said
"You go and fetch that water.  The Lord will do a miracle."
The brother shook his head but obeyed. Pastor Kruger, threw the
water into the petrol tank, and did that until the tank was full.
They climbed in the motor, he turned the key and as our Mighty
God changed water into wine, he turned water into petrol.  They
drove safely to their destination.
That's my Mighty Jesus.  Praise His wonderful Name.



"Yes indeed Lord. Nothing is too hard or to wonderful for You.
Thank you that I may belong to You.
You live in the Heaven and yet, You care about me and us all and show
Yourself as indeed the Mighty God.
I worship You wonderful Jesus Christ."

Love you all,

Copyright (c) 2002.Susan Treptow





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"İHe Lives" by Simon Dewey Courtesy of:
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