Dear fellow
pilgrim to our eternal destiny, as we know that Jesus Chist is going to
return soon to fetch His awaiting Bride.
We must lay
the foundation in Truth as this page is about His returning.
are people who eagerly want to know how to be sure of their eternal destiny.
I have good
news for you!
I wish
that we could sit with a cup of coffee and have a nice face to face conversation.
- But that is not possible, therefore I am writing this important message
to you, for Jesus Christ loves you and so do I and I feel responsible for
your eternal soul.
Please don't
wait to make a definite decision in rder to be sure about your Salvation.
In the
Gospel according to St John 3 we read
"Now Nicodemus,
a Pharisee, came to Jesus in the night. Nicodemus was a man seeking for
the truth and in meeting Jesus, he said. “Rabbi,we know you are a teacher
who has come from God, for no one could perform the miraculous signs you
are doing if God were not with Him.” In reply Jesus declared: “I tell you
the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.”.
In verse 4 Nicodemus could not understand how a person can enter his mother’s
womb again for a second time to be born again. - But again
in verse 5 Jesus answers that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless
he is born of water and spirit. Verse 6 makes it clear by saying:”
Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit."
In order
to explain: I was born on the 3rd of December 1949. -
it was a certain day and time. AN EVENT. I did not merely “happen”.
Jesus stresses the fact by saying: “Flesh gives birth to flesh”,………..but
He continues with a second part saying that we have to be born of water
AND spirit.
In order to
explain I usually ask the children amongst a crowd: “ says who that you
are your father’s child?.” They are usually shy to answer and then
I help them by saying “because you were born into that family. For
this very reason you have the right to call him daddy or father.
With assurance you can walk up to the refrigerator and take a slice of
cheese or anything else, because you live in the house of your father on
earth and you have the freedom to do so. When you need anything,
you can ask your father, “ father, I need a new pair of shoes, or pleeaase
may I have a bicycle for Christmas please,please!?.
But then I
paint a different picture and ask the children what they would think if
the neighbor's child would come over and say to your parents. “ Sir, Mam,
I like you so much. From of today you are my parents. I’m going to call
you father and mother OK?.” Then he walks over to your room and asks
you to make some space in your cupboard for his clothes and toys. Suppertime
he makes himself at home and sit at the table. “please father would
you pass me the potatoes and while you are at it also the salt?.”
The children then usually laugh, because this is not at all the way things
work. - In order for you to say “dad” or “mom” and lay claim
on anything as a child of that family, you need to be born into that family.
Isn’t it so?
Now keeping
this explanation in mind, we should go back to what Jesus said. ----
What did He mean by saying that we are born of water. ---This
water is the water you spent in the first nine months of your life. In
other words the human birth. Remember, “flesh gives birth to flesh?”
-- But now He also speaks of a second birth that you need to undergo in
order to become part of the Heavenly family. (Ephesians 3:15 –(NKJ)
This too is a specific event, a date and time when you are born of the
spirit. Do you understand thus far?
Ok, now you
see, we are born in the flesh with a sinful nature, because we are born
into a sinful world We are not born with sin, for Jesus said that
the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the children. -----Being a
believer and a child of God is therefore not determined by a good and virtuous
life, for Romans 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God.” Because all sinners good or bad, need to experience the
rebirth in the spirit, you may ask what you should do to become part of
this Heavenly family and for the first time, truly may call Him “my
Heavenly Father."
Dear reader,
I cannot say I love my neighbor without telling you this very important
truth, and causing you to one day ask me “WHY
If you wish
to be born into the Family of God you can pray the following prayer.
But you must mean it and agree with every word.
“Heavenly Father,
I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ who has died for my sins.
-----It is my desire to be born into God’s family so that my name will
also be written into the Book of Life. I (your name), admit that I am a
sinner and I ask you that you will forgive me all my sins. ---Jesus, please
wash away all my sins with your precious blood that was shed on Calvary,
so that I will be whiter than the snow. ------Lord, I rightly want to call
you my Father in Heaven and therefore I declare that I believe that Jesus
Christ died for my sins but was also raised from the dead so that I can
become your child through His sacrifice on the cross. -------AND NOW I
thank you Father, that I now am Your child for Your Word says in John1:12
that all who received Him (Jesus) and those who believed in His Name He
gave the right to become children of God. --------I now realize that it
is not enough to merely believe inYour existence, for satan also believes
that you are the Son of God, but he is not Your child. ------- I realize
that I need to be born into the Family of God of which I am now a part.
Thankyou Lord that I now know for certain that I am now a citizen of Heaven,
and Your child.
Wasn't this
easy? Wow!!! Isn’t this wonderful. ----I always refer to my ring and explain
that just as it is round and never ending, eternity is just the same.
It has no Beginning and no end. Oh! I definitely want to be with
Jesus for eternity.------But contrary to eternal life with Christ, is eternal
damnation and the reality of HELL. There is no way to escape..
The Word of
God will have the final say and will be the measure against which we will
be judged.----There before the throne of God, with Jesus at God’s right-hand,
there will be no church, family or friends. It will only be you and
your God, and He will measure your life in accordance with your obedience
to His Word. God’s Word will have the last say.
My Aunt dreamt
one night that her neighbor was screaming out to her “WHY
DIDN’T YOU TELL ME??”. The next
morning when she woke up, she saw a hearse standing at her neighbor's house.
Her neighbor died that night She never had contact with her and never took
the time to share this life changing truth with her.
Now after you
have been born again. The old sinful (your name) is dead, and tell me,
what do you do with a dead person? Off course it is being buried.
Now read Romans 6 from verse 1 and you will see that Jesus Christ was buried
so the old (you) must also be buried. Isn’t it so?.
So dear reader,
I would suggest that you must look for a church that preaches the full
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be baptized into water by immersion in the
Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost, then you just like
Jesus stood up from the grave, also can rise up out of the water to live
a new life with Him.
Although we
might not know each other personally, I am indebted to you to give you
this wonderful invitation.
May the Lord
bless this letter to your heart, because you are precious to me and the
Lord Jesus Christ!! ( Scriptures from the (KJ) and (NIV)
Written by
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