Counsellor?. How can Jesus Christ be a Counsellor?.
I mean how on earth can He be my Counsellor when I need answers or guidance
in my life?. ---------Well it is written that He will be just that!!!!
What a wonderful Jesus!!------Dearest ones it is possible that I can go
to Jesus and through His Holy Spirit He really can "talk" to me.
I cannot imagine going to an earthly Counsellor who cannot talk.
I mean, they are there to help us, when we need help, and they better be
able to talk to me when I am in great need of answers, or when I am distressed
and downhearted and need solutions to my problems.---------Now one may
ask. How can I hear His voice. This question has been asked
to me so many many times. So I know that there are people everywhere
who asks this same question. I will try to help you to enable you
to hear His voice as a Counsellor. ---- Firstly we must be born again into
the family of God. I must be a child of the only living God.----OK,
what now?. ---Listen to what Jesus said in John 16:13. "But when
He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth giving Spirit) comes, He will guide
you .........."
In verse 7 He says "However, I am telling you nothing but the
truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous)
for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter, (Counsellor,
.............Will not come to you {into close fellowship with you} but
if I go away, I will send Him to you {to be in close fellowship with you}
John 16:7 (Ampl. Bible).
So Jesus Christ talks to us through His Spirit that dwells in our hearts
after we gave our lives to Him.-------Now, what must I do to be able to
h e a r His Voice. Well I must really really love Him
in so much that I walk with Him from the rising of the sun to when it sets
and I go to bed. It asks for a daily walk with Him. Talking
to Him all the time if He really is the first love of my heart. Soon
I will discover that when I ask Jesus for instance. "Lord,
what must I do about this or that matter." Then becomes still in my spirit
and wait, for He talks with a still small voice so tenderly.
If my ears is busy listening to all the worldly sounds, I would not hear
His voice. So I must be still inwardly even while I am perhaps at
a noisy place and Oh what a wonderful Voice to hear inwardly.
So clear, and yes, not often what I want to hear, but always what would
be in my best interest. Oh the joy of walking with Christ.
As my shadow never departs from me, so I cannot imagine how terrible it
must be if He would depart from me. -------- So He can really be your Counsellor.
Bear with me if I told you the following story already, but it is so
applicable that I must tell it again.
I met Peet my wonderful Hubby in July 1972. He was a student at
Bible College. It was his last year and they had decided that Peet
must go for his practical year to the Cape Province which is very far from
where I lived in Johannesburg, starting the beginning of October in Oudtshoorn.
So I knew him from middle July to the end of September. That is a
very short time, to have to answer yes on the question "Would you marry
me". But I consulted my Jesus and He said in my heart, with His still
small voice. "Do not be afraid, for Peet is the husband I picked for you".
So I said yes, even while I wasn't in love with him yet, and there he went
off to the Cape Province. Many of my "friends" told me I mustn't
marry him for Peet is like this and like that, which was a lot of lies.
Then I only fell on my knees and told the Lord what my "friends" said and
He will again and again reassure me that He handpicked Peet for me.---
He came to visit once and then he came for the wedding which would be on
the 23 of December. I married my husband, while I was not yet madly
in love with him, on the word of the Lord that guided me.
Oh and when satan saw that he lost, I got madly in love with him minutes
after our marriage. Oh every time we pray together, I beg the Lord
not to take him away, for our Lord couldn't have found a better angel (we
call each other "angel" which means angel. On the 30th of December
2002 we were married 30 years. Oh what a Counsellor!!!!!!! and He
can be yours too. So if you want to, why not start this day, yes
make it "highway marker" day in your life and start to walk with Jesus,
the best friend to have in this world and for all the eternity's. ----
May the Lord bless this words to your heart.
I Love You So Much