Until Christ Returns
By: Susan



"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth"
(Colossians 3:2).

Hallelujah!!!!.  I just read this Scripture in another writing, and it was the first time I read it in the English King James version.  The Afrikaans translation is totally different. The Afrikaans says that our "minds" must be set on the things above, not our affection!!!!.  Even the Amplified Bible uses the word "mind"  Oh HalleluYah!, for me this is a brand new Scripture.  Perhaps it is very well-known to you, but the meaning of the word in the King James version made such an impression on me I just have to write about it.  I have no choice.
I looked it up in my Bible program that I have on the Computer and the Greek word for affection is "Phroneo."  In most cases it has got to do with our minds.  Also "to seek", "to feel" to "strive" to "care!",  But oh praise the King of kings and L-rd of lords, here in Col.3:2 it clearly means  "affection".   Well let us put the two words together and the Scripture would read: "Set your mind affectionately on things above, not on things on the earth";  Wow!!!!!!!!! what a difference?.
Now I ask myself the question.  Susan, where is your mind set affectionately?.  Where does the greatest love in your heart lies?.  On the temporarily things of the earth, or in Heaven where your eternal "home" will be?.  If my affection is on my beautiful home, my car, my stunning garden,  my wealth, etc. etc., then I must do some introspection!.   Susan, is your affectionate love and mind the most of the day set on the things on earth that will pass away?.  Has anybody accused you ever of being "to Heavenly minded that you are of no earthly use."  Oh, praise the Lord, that is the biggest matter that one of my children holds against me.  "Mommy all my life you haven't been "there" for me, for you were always so busy with a mission for the Lord."  Well, after reading this Scripture, I don't feel so bad about it now anymore. Though I really do feel bad about the fact that I so seldom went with my daughter for instance to go to town, doing window-shopping and having some coffee and scones together.  I admit that I had to do that more, for the fellowship, and I wish I could get those days back. Ooooooooooooo but I hate window-shopping with a passion!!!!!!!!. What is the use of staring for instance to a dress in a window while I anyhow don't have the money to buy it?. ------- When I need a dress, (and I have money that can buy it!!)  Peet and I will go to town.  I will "attack" a shop and "woerts warts" (very quickly in Afrikaans) I will go through all their dresses.  By the time an assistant would come and ask me whether she can help, I would have been halfway out again, and the Lord always leads me to the right dress or whatever I need with the speed of white light...........lol.

Now please understand me right.  I am a freak.  Allllll other women are normal, and there is nothing wrong to go with your daughter and spend some time together.  As I said, I regret it today that I didn't fulfill in her need in that sense.  It could have given me an opportunity to build a wonderful bridge between her and me.  Luckily, she forgave me.--------But I would rather spend time to preach to the people at the counter.  HalleluYah!!!!!!!!!!  I am not holier than any other normal person who does these woman things. Perhaps they are more balanced, and still has their minds affectionately on the things above.
It is just that since age 14 I became a Jesus Christ fanatic.  Wow!! let me tell you what happened now the other day.  -------I went for my visit to the doctor tree weeks after the operation.  As I sat there a young lady came in with a child that must have been spastic, though she could sit in a pram one could see she was not normal.-------As the mother came to sit down she was about one meter from me.  Immediately the L-rd spoke in my heart and asked me to go to her and give the child a hug.  I did so and started to talk to the lady.  In telegram-style I told her that I am a child of G-d and born again. "Do you know what born again means?." I asked her.  "No" she replied.  "Would you want to know?" I asked.  "Yes please"  HalleluYah!!!!!!! what an opportunity.  I explained it in short to her and asked her whether she wanted to be born again.  "Yes" she replied and there in the waiting room I lead her in prayer and she prayed the sinner's prayer. Luckily I could explain to her a few vital things, but time was so limited so  I just finished a "crush course" with her, as suddenly she was called to see the doctor.

I would die if I cannot share the Gospel of my Jesus Christ with someone each day.  I tell you my affection is really in Heaven and not on earth.  As long as I have a roof that doesn't leak over my head, a bed and food and of course electricity for the Computer so that I can work for Jesus, I am more than happy. --------Yes! it seems as if I am bragging and boasting about "wonderful Susan"  but if Paul can say "be my followers, as I am the follower of Christ"  why can't I do the same. As a matter of fact, we all must be able to say that, isn't it so?.---------They surely must have known how he lived his life, and yet Paul had many shortcomings too as he admitted "The things I want to do I do not do, and the things I don't want to do, that I do." I tell you, that statement spells out Susan!.--------But I cry out that I boast only in the Cross of Jesus Christ and exult the Name of the L-rd Jesus Christ and His Name only!!!, for I know me, and I know my shortcomings and how often I fail my L-rd and disappoint Him.  When I say that I am the least among true born again children of God I truly say it in all honesty, with no hidden pride behind the statement.  All glory goes to Jesus Christ who died for a sinner like me.
What a joy to wake up and to say, "goodmorning Heavenly Father, goodmorning wonderful Jesus, and goodmorning precious Holy Spirit."  Yes to live and breath and exist to glorify Him each day. -------I tell you, life is not a picnic, when one lives a life in like manner.  satan hates us and wants to kill us.  Trials and tribulations.  Valley upon valley awaits us and like bugs bunny likes to say  "This means war."   Have you ever heard him say that?.  Well it means war!, and sometimes he wins a battle, but in the Name of Jesus Christ we will win the war....... HalleluYah!!!!!!!
What does it matter whether your curtain's color doesn't match with the carpet.  So what?.  In Heaven our mansions will be perfect. ------What does it matter if we don't drive the newest model car?.  In only a few years that model will be a vintage model anyway.....lol (lots of laughter).  Even if we are to stay alive on earth for a million years, it wouldn't even be like a blink of an eye in comparison with eternity.
So therefore I beseech you to get rid of the love in your heart for earthly junk. Yes Junk!!!!!!!.  Even the most beautiful house, car, clothes, etc. are nothing more than junk.  In Heaven the streets are made of gold.  Wow!! I would like to be the one who sweeps the streets, maybe, some of the street will come loose so that I can collect it...........
As I sit here dear friends and brothers and sisters, I am crying for I love Him soooo much.  Jesus Christ is my all in all.  What would have become of me without Him. G-d knows all.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful Face,
and the things of the earth will grow strangely dim,
in the light of His glory and grace."

Author Susan Treptow
Copyright (c) 2002.  Used with permission
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